
Hetkel on mul kasutusel 100%
Pure Superfruits Healthy Foundation. 100% Pure on aastal 2005 Californias asutatud ettevõte, mille
tootevalik on väga lai. Nad pakuvad nahahooldusvahendeid (nii näole kui kehale),
juuksehooldustooteid ja ka dekoratiivkosmeetikat. Kõik 100% Pure tooted on
täielikult puhtad – ei sisalda kahjulikke toksiine, kunstlikke värvi- ja lõhnaaineid
ega ka sünteetilisi säilitusaineid! Samuti on tegemist naturaalsete,
cruelty-free toodetega, mida pole katsetatud loomadel. Paljud tooted sobivad
100% Pure tootevalikus on segadusseajavalt palju
jumestuskreeme. Need erinevad omavahel peamiselt konsistentsi poolest. On
olemas ka hästi vesine jumestuskreem, mis on pigem niisutav-tooniv, kui kattev.
Mina valisin sellise, millel on lubatud full-coverage
tulemus ehk siis täielikult kattev - 100%
Pure Superfruits Healthy Foundation! See on rikkalikult kreemine ja katab
suurepäraselt naha ebatasasused, samal ajal ei jää näkku ebasoovitavat
krohvikihti ega mingil moel rasket tunnet. Toonide valik on lai (9 erinevat
tooni) ja igaüks, kes soovib, leiab oma. Mina kasutan tooni white peach, mis on
sobilik heledale, soojade varjunditega nahale.
Selle jumestuskreemi koostises olevad antioksüdandid ja vitamiinid
pärinevad superviljadest nagu ka nimi ütleb. Ja eriti tervitatav on see, et
kõik jumestuskreemid on oma tooni saanud taimepigmentidest mitte
sünteetilistest värvainetest!! 😊
Toode on pakendatud väga mugavasse pumbaga pudelisse ja see
on omakorda veel hästi vahva papist pakendi sees. Seda papist pakendit saab
hiljem näiteks riisiga täites muusikainstrumendina kasutada 😊
Jumestuskreemi kogus on 30ml ja selle
hind 46 $. Valuutakursist sõltuvalt siis ca 39 €. Jah, võrreldes tavapoodides leiduvate
jumestuskreemidega (a la Loreal, Bourjois jne.) on see hind väga krõbe. Aga
nahk tänab! Selle investeeringu tegemisel on suur tõenäosus, et nahahoolduseks
kulub vähem raha, kuna nahk hingab ja on terve, kuna jumestuskreemi
koostisained on puhtad ja ei mata nahka!
Soovitan soojalt! 😊
In english…
If summer
is the time, when You don’t want to cover Your skin with all sort of makeup,
then now the autumn sneaks in, and it is nice to wear a little more makeup, it
is full-coverage makeup time! I am going to talk about foundation today.
Foundation carries an important role in creating the base for makeup and let’s
be fair, there are so many different foundations, that it is not easy to find the
one for Yourself. The choice narrows a little bit down for me, because I do
use only pure makeup products (which contain no artificial preservatives like
parabens etc, no harsh chemicals at all, no carcinogens). There are more and
more high quality pure products in the conventional stores and this is a great joy!
But I do have to mention that the products I use are ordered from other
countries in Europe or even from the USA, because these (most of them) have not
yet introduced to Estonia.
I am
currently using 100% Pure Superfruits
Healthy Foundation. 100 % Pure is founded in Napa, California, in 2005.
They have a wide range of products – skincare, body care, haircare and also decorative
cosmetics (make-up). All the products are pure – free from toxins, artificial preservatives
and dyes, fragrances etc. All the products are natural, cruelty-free (not
tested on animals).
100% Pure has many different foundation
lines, which can be confusing. They differ mainly from each ohter by
consistence. They even have a really watery foundation, which is more like
moisturizer with a tone rather than covering foundation. I chose the one that
promised a full-coverage result - 100%
Pure Superfruits Healthy Foundation. It is creamy and nice and it covers
all the imperfections as promised. At the same time does not leave any heavy
coat and feels light on the skin. The range of tones is wide – there are 9
different tones You can choose from. I am using the tone White Peach, which is
suitable for light skin with warm undertones. The foundation contains antioxidants
and vitamins which are derived from superfruits (as the name says). The most
interesting fact is that all the pigments which give the product the specific
tone, are derived from fruits and vegetables 😊
packaging is very comfortable, a container with a pump and this in turn is
packed in a cool and beautiful cardboard package (i cannot say a box, because
it is not a box, it is round shaped like the bottle). Anyway, - I was fascinated,
when I received my order. You can use the package for making a musical
instrument with rice afterwards for example 😊 The amount of the product is decent – 30 ml, and the price for that is 46
$. Depending on the Exchange
rate about 39 €. Yes, it is quite expensive if
compared with usual/conventional foundations (like Loreal or Bourjois etc.),
but Your skin is thankful! When You make this investment, then You probably
need less skincare products after all, because Your skin is healthy and it can breathe
properly, not to mention that all the ingredients are clean and does not bury
the skin!
I can
definitely advice using this wonderful foundation! 😊
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