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Ma olen õnnelik! Olen õnnelik, et
olen nii vahva ja kannustava tagasiside osaliseks saanud seoses selle blogi
loomisega. Aitäh teile, armsad hinged, kes te olete mulle häid sõnu öelnud 😊
Seoses blogi avalikustamisega sotsiaalmeedias, jõudis minuni ka kaks väga vahvat koostööd!!! Täna kirjutan teile ühest ja tõenäoliselt järgmises postituses teisest koostööst 😊 Niisiis, minuga võttis ühendust Pille, kes on Tilk! Bio Skincare asutaja ja perenaine. Olen nüüdseks kaks nädalat saanud Tilk! Imeliste kreemidega tutvuda ja neid oma nahal katsetada. Ja ma olen väga rahul! 😊
Tilk! kreemid on 100% naturaalsete koostisosadega ning vabad karmidest kemikaalidest. Nendes ei kasutata säilitusainena parabeene ja samuti ei sisaldu nendes mineraalõli. Viimane asjaolu on väga oluline, sest mineraalõli ei ole midagi muud, kui hästi puhastatud nafta. See on küll lõhnatu ja värvitu ning väidetavalt ei anna nahale allergilisi reaktsioone, kuid samal ajal ei lase see nahal absoluutselt hingata. Kõik rohelise kosmeetika gurud soovitavad mineraalõlid oma kehast eemale hoida! Soovitan ka mina!
Tilk! kreemid ei ole loomadel testitud ja kannavad märki Vegan. Mulle meeldib, et kõikidel kreemidel on olemas ka minisuurused…ehk siis reisile kaasa võtmiseks mugavad potsikud. Lisaks meeldivad mulle väga kreemitopside ümber olevad papist pakendid. Nende disain on maalähedane, aga luksuslik 😊 Jätan need pakendid lastele mängimiseks (seni, kuni nad vastu peavad väga tegusates väikestes kätes), sest need on lihtsalt nii ilusad.

Minu kasutuses on kolm kreemi – päevakreem Regenerate Me, öökreem Spoon Me ning kätekreem Love Me. Lisaks huulebalsam Kiss Me, mis mõnusasti ka õrna tooni huultele annab.
Regenerate Me on mõnus, rikkalikult niisutav ja hästi mõnusa
konsistentsiga kreembrülee värvusega päevakreem. See on sobilik kombineeritud-
ja normaalsele nahale. Aktiivset toimet kreemis annavad porgandi- ja mandliõli,
sheavõi ning nurmenuku-, kibuvitsa- ja nõgese bioaktiivsed ühendid. Lõhn on
naturaalne ja mahe, ei jää pikaks ajaks tunda. Seda kreemi kasutan hommikuti
pärast näo puhastamist. Minu nahale on see just praegu algaval sügisperioodil
väga paras, ei jäta nahka liiga rasvaseks ja samal ajal niisutab sügavuti.
Suvisel ajal võib-olla oleks see kreem minu jaoks liiga „rammus“.
Spoon me on kergelt roheka alatooniga ja hästi maheda lõhnaga
rikkalikult toitev öökreem. Lõhna poolest haarab minu nina enim selles aktiivsete
ainete kombos kinni kanepiõli iseloomuliku aroomi. Meeldiv, mitte liiga
intensiivne. See on tõeliselt toitev ja hästi niisutav kreem, mille aktiivse
toime annavad eespool mainitud kanepiõli, lisaks avokaado- ja nisuiduõli ning bioaktiivsed
ühendid salveist, kortslehest ja kibuvitsast. See kreem võib sobida ka väga
kuiva ja elutu naha toetamiseks päevasel ajal ning kindlasti on see väärt naha hellitaja

Ma olen siiralt rõõmus, et meie
oma väikesel kodumaal toodetakse naturaalseid nahahooldustooteid, mis tõesti ka
töötavad ja efekti omavad. Julgen kindlasti Tilk! tooteid kõikidele soovitada. Tilk! ei piirdu ainult kodumaa erinevate
tunnustustega! Nimelt on Tilk! valitud maailma TOP 9 läbilöögivõimelisema
brändi hulka ja praegu on veel võimalus meie oma kodumaisele brändile hääl anda
siin! Proovi järgi ja anna ka oma hääl!
Kõik kes kasutavad sooduskoodi
GreenWonderlandAlice, saavad minu lemmiku toote, Spoon Me öökreemi, soetada 5% soodsamalt!
Kõiksemees, öökreemi ostma!! 😊 NB! Soodustus kehtib oktoobri lõpuni!
In english…
I am happy! I am very happy, because I have received such a good feedback after I launched this blog. Thank You, dear souls, for Your lovely words 😊
I was offered two very nice co-operation projects, after I made my blog public in social media. Today’s blog post is about the first one and probably the next post will speak about the second collaboration 😊 I was contacted by Pille, who is a founder of Tilk! Bio Skincare. I’ve been using Tilk!’s gorgeous creams for about two weeks now and I am pleased! 😊
Tilk! creams are 100% natural and free from harsh chemicals. There are no parabens and these creams also do not contain any mineral oils. The last fact is pretty important, because mineral oils are nothing more than pure petroleum. It does not have any smell, it is colourless and allegedly does not irritate skin, but in the same time it covers the skin so that it clogs pores and therefore can cause acne and blackheads. All the green beauty guru’s suggest to leave mineral oils far from Your skin. And so do I.
Tilk! creams are not tested on animals and they are vegan. I do like the fact that all the products have also the mini sizes which You can grab when going to a trip or just to put it in Your handbag. And I really do like the whole packaging. Those cardboard little boxes are so smartly designed, earthly yet luxurious 😊 I will leave my three little boxes to my children to play (as long as these survive in the little active hands), because these are so nice and beautiful.
I have three different creams – Regenerate Me (day cream), Spoon Me (night cream) and Love Me (hand cream). And I do also have Kiss Me (lip balm with a little colour in it).
Regenerate Me is nice, richly moisturizing day
cream with a lovely consistence. The colour reminds creme brulee. Regenerate me
is suitable for combined and normal skin. The bioactive ingredients in this
cream are carrot- and almond oil, shea butter and Primula veris, Rosa canina fruit
and Urtica dioica extracts. The aroma
is natural and mild, does not linger on for a very long time. I am using this cream
in the mornings after cleansing my face. This cream is very suitable for my
skin, especially now, when the autumn is here. This does not leave my skin
oily, but it moisturizes deeply. During the summertime this cream might be a
bit too rich for my skin, but for now, it is perfect.
Spoon me has a light green undertone and seriously mild
aroma. It is richly nutritious night cream. My nose catches the hemp oil aroma
from the bioactive components the most. It’s nice, not too overpowering. This
cream is really nutritious and moisturizing and the bioactive components are
hemp-, avocado- and wheat germ oils and extracts from Salvia sclarea, Alchemilla
vulgaris and Rosa canina fruit. This cream is suitable for my skin during
night time, but it can be very good for dry skin with lost vitality during the
day time also. It is the must have cream in the cool winter time! 😊
Love me the yellow-orange richly mousse-like
cream has a fresh citrus aroma and it moisturises and softens the hands as
promised. The active ingredients in this hand cream are sea buckthorn oil,
mango butter and extracts from Urtica
dioica, Equisetum arvense and Achillea millefolium. Love me has
several titles from different beauty/fashion journals like Iluteemant 2017
(beautydiamond 2017), anne-stiil beauty favourite 2016, buduaar favourite 2016.
My experience with this cream is mainly
good. I wrote in one of my previous post’s, which You can read here, that
I am very picky when it comes to the hand creams and I have to say that I do
have a little BUT here…it consists glycerin. Glycerin itself is not a bad
thing, but it just does not work with my hands, it leaves a slippery filmy
coating (no matter what the brand is) on my hands. So after using the cream I
do have to wipe my hands with a towel or paper. If I don’t do that, I am unable
to pick anything up, all the things just slip from my fingers then. There’s not
many people with such problem, so, You should still try the cream, because it
moisturizes nicely and that is what you want out of the hand cream, right! 😊
Kiss Me lip balm is oh so nice! 😊 It leaves a hint of color on the lips and my
lips aren’t addicted to it. When I say addicted, I mean that a lot of lip balms
make my lips needy for them… If I don’t apply them anymore, my lips start to
get rough. I do not have such problem with Kiss Me lip balm. It moisturizes, gives a tone and what I enjoy is that it slides over my lips so easily, it is not too
heavy. It gives an effect of a lip gloss, but it is still safe to kiss. 😊
I am sincerely happy that such
great products are produced in our little homeland Estonia. These do have an
effect and they really provide the skin the nourishment and moisturizing benefits.
BUT Tilk! does not have only Estonian titles from different beauty contests.
Tilk! has been chosen to the list of world’s TOP 9 breakthrough brands and
there is a possibility to give Your vote to Tilk! here!
Try these amazing products and
give Your vote! 😊
And this is not all. If You use a
discount code GreenWonderlandAlice, You will get my favourite product, which is
Spoon Me, with 5% discount in the end of September and also in October 2017. 😊
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